Tithing is the practice of giving one-tenth of one's income or produce to God, a principle deeply rooted in biblical tradition. The term "tithe" comes from the Old English word "teogotha," meaning "tenth." The concept is first introduced in the Bible in Genesis 14:20, where Abram ...
I assert THIS is the real meaning of Melchizedek's appearance inGenesis 14: Abraham had risked his life to rescue his nephew. This is the first account in the Bible of man trying to save man in a totally selfless act. Remember, Abraham could have taken spoils of the war but refused to...
Plus, if I were to announce that I had given 10% of my income to a homeless shelter, that would not be acceptable to the church, but it is just what the Bible tells us we should do with our tithes. Please check out Deut. 14 for the Old Testament law on tithing. Christians are ...
Where is tithing first mentioned in the Bible? The tithe gift is discussed in the Hebrew Bible (Numbers 18:21–26) according to which a tenth of the produce was to be presented to a Levite who then gave a tenth of the first tithe to a kohen (Numbers 18:26). Tithing was seen as...
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the main purpose of tithing is to teach us the meaning of sacrifice. Think of it this way: the Lord gives us 100% of what we have. Is it really too much for Him to ask us to give 10% back, to help run His Church? (And ...