If everyone tithed, churches would have plenty of money. Heaven will be shut up against you if you don't tithe. Miracle testimonies prove that tithing is God's will. Abraham's Tithe We have a completely different and much better relationship with God than Abraham had. It calls for a...
The proper attitude about tithing money is not to pat yourself on the back, thinking you have“paid God what you owe him.”Bad theology. You should be thinking,“It all belongs to God. How much does He want me to keep? 90%? 80%? 50%?” 3Tithing Time Could Lead to Sloppy Money...
Those seeking to make tithing strictly money and income based, mandatory and routine because tithing was "before the law" are not teaching what tithing was "before the law." Some mandated tithing teachers use scriptures that state one is to BRING the tithe rather than GIVE the tithe to ...
The act of Tithing is NOT a turn-key system or a money-machine where you simply put in a dollar and it spits out a dollar. God (rightfully so) refuses to be reduced to a simple formula like this. But, it is more of a general truth that requires faith in GOD and a trusting that...
God and Money Why God does not accept money for the payment of tithes. Page 32 Jesus and Tithes Why Jesus NEVER taught, instructed, or commanded Christians to tithe. Page 68 Preachers and Prosperity 3 tricks Prosperity Gospel preachers use to manipulate believers into paying tithes. Page 23 ...
Money is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible! God knew money would be something we would hold tightly to and place a lot of importance on. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about tithing and giving 10% back to God. The below Bible verses should help you decide how you ca...
[5] Statements such as this are often made: "I think it is not well known in the Church that payment of tithing has very little to do with money. Tithing has to do with faith."[6] Such statements move the focus away from the monetary and toward the spiritual. Tithing is part of...
There is not one passage of Scripture telling any Jew or Christian to give 10% of their money to a religious institution. Second, while tithing is biblical it is not Christian. This was strictlya practice for the nation of Israel under the Old Covenantwhich has been fulfilled by Jesus Chri...
Where tithing is ignored there is almost always a deficit, and then the ungodly are asked to help or worldly methods are employed to raise money. If we sow the wind, we must not be surprised if we reap the whirlwind. "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be ...