(a) Typical compressive true stress–strain curves of the SPSed CP-Ti, Ti-N alloy and annealed Ti-N specimens, inset shows the T dependences of the yield strength prelaspsteicctitivyeεlyf..((bd))aσnsdve(crs)uCsrTososf-sthecetNioSnaalnSdEUMFiGmTagi eass of the compressed well as ...
(anear-βtitaniumalloy)and Ti–6Al–4V(anαþβtitaniumalloy)wasinvestigatedandthecorrelationbetweenthemicrostructure andwearmicromechanismswasstudied.Mildwearwasdominatedbyoxidationviatheformationand spallationofmechanicallymixedlayers(MMLs).Thenear-βalloyexhibitedlowerwearcomparedwith αþβalloyinthemildwear...
The alloy is processed by forging, stamping, rolling and pressing. Depending on the applica‐ tion and required properties following heat treatment can be applied to the semiproducts: isothermal annealing (870ºC / 1h / furnace cooling to 650ºC / holding for 2 h / air cooling), ...
Development of new metallic alloys for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater. 2012, 8, 3888–3903. [CrossRef] 3. Xiong, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, X.; Hodgson, P.; Wen, C.E. Mechanical properties and bioactive surface modification via alkali-heat treatment of a porous Ti–18Nb–4Sn alloy ...
5thNei-β2-5TNi bis fcilolmerpfoleitleilnybsroalzuibnlgeβw-TitihaNlloby, amnadydoibsstaoilnveasjoNini tufpreteoo1f0thate%Ti-[N13i]i.nTtheremaeptpallilcicatcioomn poof u40nTdi.-I3t5dNeis-e2r5vNesb tfiollsetrufdoyiliinntbhreafzuintugrβe.-Ti alloy may obtain a joint free of th...
Tribocorrosion behavior of low friction TiSiCN nanocomposite coatings deposited on titanium alloy for biomedical applications. Surf. Coat. Technol. 2018, 347, 1–12. [CrossRef] 9. Eriksson, A.; Ghafoor, N.; Jensen, J.; Näslund, L.-Å.; Johansson, M.; Sjölen, J.; Odén, M.; ...
The near-beta Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (wt. %) alloy, which has a MoE value of 9.5, was developed for high-strength forgings in aircraft structures. The near-beta Ti-11.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn (wt. %) or Beta III alloy, which has a MoE value of 9.0 was developed for high-strength applications. ...
Keywords: TC4 titanium alloy; micro arc oxidation; magnetron sputtering; HEA film; microstructure and properties 1. Introduction Titanium alloys are widely used in the marine and biomedical field owing to their light weights, high specific strengths, and many other advantages [1–6]. Titanium ...
Surface modification of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy for biomedical applications and its effect on tribological performance—A review. Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 2016, 46, 86–103. 3. Mogonye, J.E.; Scharf, T.W. Tribological properties and mechanisms of self-mated ultrafine-grained titanium. Wear ...
Using this technology, titanium scaffolds from a TiAl6V4 alloy with a pore-size of 600 µm were manufactured by SLM Solutions GmbH, Luebeck, Germany using an SLM® 280HL Selective Laser Melting machine system. Magnesium implants with a pore-size of 600 µm were manufactured by SLM® ...