'Countess','Capt', 'Col',\ 'Don', 'Dr', 'Major', 'Rev', 'Sir', 'Jonkheer', 'Dona'], 'Rare') dataset['Title'] = dataset['Title'].replace('Mlle', 'Miss') dataset['Title'] = dataset['Title'].replace('Ms', 'Miss') dataset['Title'] = dataset['Title'].replace('Mme', ...
Knowing from a training set of samples listing passengers who survived or did not survive the Titanic disaster, can our model determine based on a given test dataset not containing the survival information, if these passengers in the test dataset survived or not. 分析训练集的数据,建立模型预测训练...
Learn to do data science:Survive the Titanic and get started with Python or R 这就是项目的背景页,这个项目主要还是为了让我们熟悉Kaggle项目的大致流程、ML基础以及基本技能:二元分类和Python/R的基础。 Start here! Predict survival on the Titanic and get familiar with ML basics 在Public Leaderboard里面...
Titanic-Survival-Prediction:基于乘客是否会幸存的泰坦尼克号数据集,会创建一个预测。 这是Kaggle上传奇性的Titanic ML竞赛 泰坦尼克号生存预测 泰坦尼克号的沉没是历史上最臭名昭著的海难之一。 1912年4月15日,在她的处女航中,被广泛认为的“沉没” RMS泰坦尼克号与冰山相撞后沉没。 不幸的是,船上没有足够的救生艇...
To me it would make sense if everything except ‘PassengerId’, ‘Ticket’ and ‘Name’ would be correlated with a high survival rate. 2.Age and Sex Template # 定义图例survived='survived'not_survived='not_survived'# 按性别取出数据men=train_df[train_df['Sex']=='male']women=train_df[...
Titanic Survival prediction: Titanic dataset- how many people survive and how many were Male and Female pythonjupyter-notebookpredictiontitanic-kaggletitanic-survivaltitanic-survival-predictiontitanic-survival-explorationtitanic-datasettitanic-data-analyticstitanic-machine-learning ...
项目地址 https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic 项目介绍: 除了乘客的编号以外,还包括下表中10个字段,构成了数据的所有特征 Variable Definition Key survival 是否存活 0 = No, 1 = Yes pclass 票的等级 1 = 1st
“Knowing from a training set of samples listing passengers who survived or did not survive the Titanic disaster, can our model determine based on a given test dataset not containing the survival information, if these passengers in the test dataset survived or not.” ...
Titanic,就是当年第一航行便失事的超级大船——泰坦尼克号,大家可能对 Rose 与 Jack 的爱情故事念念不忘,但同时 Titanic 留下的乘客数据也是数据分析一笔宝贵的财富,很多新人都会拿这套数据集练练手。本想做一下 Titanic 的数据分析练练手,然后上kaggle一搜,一堆 Titanic 数据分析的 Paper,于是决定偷个懒,找了一...
诸如Kaggle在内的竞赛网站定义要解决的问题,或提出需要解答的问题,同时提供用于训练数据科学模型的数据集,以及根据测试数据集测试模型结果。泰坦尼克号幸存竞赛的问题定义在Kaggle中描述如下: 根据已知训练数据集列出的在泰坦尼克号灾难中幸存的乘客的一组样本进行学习,我们的模型是否能够基于给定的不包含幸存信息的测试数据集...