Only echoes remain of the vessel’s past when the 1950s cruise ship treated passengers to silver service as they sailed from Ireland, Scotland and Europe. The first-class quarters were called “the best around” during its first decade on the sea. = Titanic Sub Disaster Highlights ‘Need ...
controlsoftherov. 9outsidethesub,therov,asmallorangeandblackrobotcalledsnoopdog, liftsfromitscradleandfliesforward. bodine(v.o.) walkin'thedog. snoopdogdrivesitselfawayfromthesub,payingoutitsumbilicalbehind itlikearobotyo-yo.itstwinstereo-videocamerasswivellikeinsect eyes.therovdescendsthroughanopenshaf...
by the next afternoon we had made our final stop and we were steaming west from the coast of ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean... cut to: ext. bow ¨c day the ship glows with the warm creamy light of late afternoon. jack and fabrizio stand right at the bow gripping...
*We no longer provide links to Republic of Ireland newspapers in protest to demanding payments for links. 2. First Images Of The Planned Titanic II Revealed (21 Feb 2013, Daily Echo) These are the first, exclusive glimpses of how Titanic II will look when she arrives in Southampton for her...
Titanicarrives in Queenstown (now Cobh) Ireland at 11:30 am at Roches Point, the outer anchorage of Queenstown Harbor. Tenders PS Ireland and PS America would transport passengers from the White Star Line pier to the ship. The tenders also picked up mail bags at Deepwater Quay that had bee...