Ohio billionaire Larry Connor said he wants to prove that the imploded Titan sub "was a contraption" and that the ocean can be "kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way." May 29, 2024 Gold watch of richest Titanic passenger sells for $1.46 million ...
#去除空格 combi$Title <- sub(' ', '', combi$Title) #把头衔列单独拉出来看看,而且能看到每个头衔对应的人数 data.frame(table(combi$Title)) #由于不同国家的称呼不一样,进行同类合并,最后Title转换成因子 combi$Title[combi$Title %in% c('Mme','Mlle')] <- 'Mlle' combi$Title[combi$Title %in% ...
data$Cabin[data$Cabin == ""] <- NA data$Cabin <- as.factor(sapply(data$Cabin, function(x) str_sub(x, start = 1, end = 1)))ggplot(data[1:nrow(train), ], mapping = aes(x = Cabin, y = ..count.., fill = Survived)) + geom_bar(stat = 'count', position='dodge') + xl...
right, come aboard. moody has quartermaster rowe reattach the gangway. jack and fabrizio come aboard. moody glances at the tickets, then passes jack and fabrizio through to rowe. rowe looks at the names on the tickets to enter them in the passenger list. rowe gundersen. and... (reading ...
train$Title <- sub(' ', '', train$Title) 二、探索性数据分析 探索性数据分析(EDA)是理解数据特征和发现潜在模式的重要步骤。通过可视化和统计分析,可以获得有价值的见解。 数据分布:首先,可以使用直方图、条形图和饼图等可视化方法来查看变量的分布。例如,可以查看不同性别乘客的生存率。
It is now confirmed that the fifth passenger aboard Titan is Paul-Henri Nargeole. OceanGate has confirmed that its CEO Stockton Rush is aboard and the pilot for Titan. Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman are also aboard. According toNBC news: “Canadian Coast Guard, Na...
数据规模:采样偏差不大,训练规模较小。总共船员是2224人,死亡1502人,训练数据有891人,训练集死亡人数需要对比一下比例。数据条目m = 891, 有用特征数目n = 10(除去PassengerId字段), 目标输出k = 1(Survived字段)。 数据特征:类型多样,需要进行筛选和处理。文本:Name;文本+数字:Ticket, Cabin;类目:Sex,Pclass...
The Reality: There were10 to 12 dogson theTitanic.Five were kept in the ship's kennels and four or five remained in passenger cabins. First Officer William McMaster Murdoch may have had his dog Rigel with him on theTitanic, a large Newfoundland who purportedly spent his days in theship's...
PassengerId 乘客ID int64 Pclass 乘客等级(1/2/3等舱位) int64 Name 乘客姓名 string Sex 性别 string Age 年龄 int64 SibSp 堂兄弟/妹个数 int64 Parch 父母与小孩个数 int64 Ticket 船票信息 string Fare 票价 float64 Cabin 客舱 string Embarked 登船港口 string Survived 获救(0代表死亡,1代表生存) int64...
PassengerId: 乘客的ID,对预测无帮助 Survived:是否幸存。0表示遇难,1表示幸存 Pclass:乘客的社会经济状态,1代表Upper,2代表Middle,3代表Lower Name:除包含姓和名以外,还包含Mr. Mrs. Dr.这样的具有西方文化特点的信息 Sex:性别 Age:年龄 SibSp:兄弟姐妹及配偶的个数。其中Sib代表Sibling即兄弟姐妹,Sp代表Spouse...