A group of divers working off the coast of Scotland found the wreck of what’s believed to be a World War I ship that sank with more than 500 sailors on board. The HMS Hawke was torpedoed by a German U-boat on Oct. 15, 1914, according to Lost in Waters Deep, a U.K. agency t...
Here's how the launch issupposedto go: The sub is attached to a huge floating platform. Motorboats drag it down the big orange ramp into the sea. The platform submerges to about 30 feet, where the water is much calmer than on the surface. Divers detach the sub from the platform … a...
000 feet from the stern. In the middle is the so-called debris field, dotted by great chunks of black coal, some decorated with feathery pink plants, others with delicate white spider crabs. An occasional rattail fish swims by. Nothing else moves but the sub....
Some parts of the Titanic are lost to the sea. True. While some parts of the ship are in surprisingly good condition, other features have disappeared. 2. When did a submersible last take divers to the Titanic? A submersible last took divers to the Titanic nearly fifteen years ago. 3. Wh...
Our ten-minuteCBS Sunday Morningstory airs. It’s as fair as I could make it: It documents those MacGyvered, off-the-shelf components, the loose buoys, our aborted dive, and the sub getting lost on the seafloor. But it also shows the triumphant final dive, complete with stunning video...
Divers first found its wreckage in 1985. Tour visitors are called “mission specialists”. That could register as amusing but actually, the company requires its clients to train for some mission-specific tasks while at sea. Submersible navigation, piloting, tracking, communications, maintenance, and...