The co-founder of the company that owned the experimental submersible that imploded en route to the wreckage of the Titanic said he hopes the legacy is a renewed interest in exploration. No description available Passenger on a previous Titan sub dive says his mission was aborted due to apparent...
If we can't cut loose that submarsible... we have to bring up the Titanic. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Ja sam zivjela za " Titanic " u srednjoj skoli. I lived for " Titanic " in high school. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Sjećaš li se kad smo gledali " Titanic "? Do you remember...
pushinginononeofthefallingsubmersibles,calledmirone,rightupto itscircularviewporttoseetheoccupants. inside,itisacrampedsevenfootsphere,crammedwithequipment.anatoly mikailavich,thesub'spilot,sitshunchedoverhiscontrols...singing softlyinrussian. nexttohimononesideisbrocklovett.he'sinhislateforties,deeply tanned,...
walkin' the dog. snoop dog drives itself away from the sub, paying out its umbilical behind it like a robot yo-yo. its twin stereo-video cameras swivel like insect eyes. the rov descends through an open shaft that once was the beautiful first class grand staircase. snoop dog goes down ...
124.Subzilla 125.Go Loco Now (Loco Dub Mix) 126.Sitar Dub 127.Mokka 128.Tripping to Africa 129.Kanga 130.Toxic 131.There Is Only Darkness 132.I Get Drunk (Goondubs Remix) 133.Woopass 134.Stimulate Energy (Neil Nessel Four Worlds Remix Radio Edit) 135.Dream City 136.Moments (Breakbeat...
When the Coast Guard confirmed the sub's likely implosion on Thursday, Mauger said they were communicating with consulates general in both the U.K. and France. The Dawood family, of the large Pakistan-based global business conglomerate Dawood Group, issued a statement Tuesday confirming their ...
4、#从乘客名字中提取头衔 3) #R中的grep、grepl、sub、gsub、regexprgregexpr等函数者B使用正则表达式的规则进行匹配。默认是egrep的规则,sub函数只实现第一个位置的替换,gsub函数实现全局的替换。 4) full$Title 5) #查看按照性别划分的头衔数量 6) table(full$Sex,full$Title) cableiruiissex,rjiisTitiei...
anatoly lies prone, driving the sub, his face pressed to the center port. bodine come left a little. she's right in front of us, eighteen meters. fifteen. thirteen... you should see it. anatoly do you see it? i don't see it... there! out of the darkness, like a ghostly ...
During World War II, the military tried to make sure troops everywhere had Thanksgiving even front-line troops. Those who served on military bases, ships, or in London probably had the best. Forsubmarinesthe cook(s) had to contend with the unexpected action of the sub diving as they were...
With his historic solo dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench fresh in our minds, it was Cameron who talked Fox into funding his Mir sub exploration of the real Titanic complete with robot cameras–footage that anchors the film and lends it weight and authenticity. (He talks to NPR.) ...