Executions were common back then, so it probably was of little note in a sea of tribulation. The Feast of the Holy Innocents was observed as far back as 485 AD and most Christian denominations observe it. Although it is a somber observance, many Spanish speaking countries celebrate Día de ...
Although the movie was mostly fictional and the characters were almost entirelty made up, I can only imagine what it would have been part of that experience when it happened in real life. Now, you'll have a chance to do just that right here in New York. RMS Titanic was a British ...
They take you through the building of the Titanic the sailing of the Titanic and the sinking of the Titanic right now they have the 20-year anniversary clothing on display from the movie that was cast 20 years ago. The other display items that they normally have ...
This version stars Reginald Owen who plays Scrooge well. The story cuts out a lot of the sadder parts of the story and alters the story in other ways (Cratchit is fired early in the movie). Still a good movie to watch for the excellent acting. Scrooge (1951), re-titled A Christmas C...
draping it like mutated spanish moss. tight on the eyepiece monitor of a video camcorder. brock lovett's face fills the black and white frame. lovett it still gets me every time. the image pans to the front viewport, looking over anatoly's shoulder, to the bow railing visible in the ...
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By 1936, storm clouds were brewing over Europe, where fascism, authoritarianism, and anti-Semitism were fueling a lurch toward global conflict, already evident in the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. The Olympic Games that year offered a respite—even though they were held in Berlin under the...
The movieManhattan Melodrama(1934), which stars a young Clark Gable, has as its opening moments the events of the General Slocum which sets in motion the lives of the two characters the movie depicts. Not a bad movie for its time and worth looking at if you have the opportunity. ...