At 12:30 Earnest Gill, carried on the crew list as a fireman but in reality a donkey engine operator or donkey man, came on Californian's deck as he couldn't sleep. After about 10 minutes he saw a white rocket burst over a ship he estimated to be about 10 miles away but thought i...
Titanic Names: A Complete List of the Passengers and Crew: Titanic Centennial Edition RMS Titanic steamed into a brilliant sunset on the cold night of April 14, 1912, with 2,208 people on board. Some books have included lists of the passenger names and a few even included the crew. None...
These included watertight compartments and watertight doors the crew could close remotely. This gave the ship a reputation for being "unsinkable" at the time of its maiden voyage. The Ship Encounters the Iceberg On the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg in the frigid ...
Depending upon whom you believe, Capt. E.J. Smith met his death in one of several different ways. Unsubstantiated rumors had it that, right before the end, the Captain raised a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. On the other hand, several surviving crewmen reported having seen Sm...
One crew memberreportedlytold passengers, "God himself could not sink this ship" - something they took to heart.According to the US Senate hearingon the disaster, "There was practically no excitement on the part of anyone" as they gathered on theTitanic's deck, with "the majority seeming ...
thetitanic.orwhatisleftofher.mironegoesupandoverthebow railing,intactexceptforanovergrowthof'rusticles'drapingitlike mutatedspanishmoss. tightontheeyepiecemonitorofavideocamcorder.brocklovett'sface fillstheblackandwhiteframe. lovett itstillgetsmeeverytime. ...
Komplette Besetzung und alle Crew-Mitglieder Produktion, Einspielergebnisse & mehr bei IMDbPro How Many A-List Stars Could Fit on the Titanic? Titanic was massive on every level, including the casting process. From Matthew McConaughey to Angelina Jolie, dozens of A-listers were considered. Who...
Intricate Detail Medals Given To Carpathia Crew There’s a wonderful level of detail to the medals which were awarded to the crew of the Titanic rescue ship Carpathia. Most crew members got a bronze one of which this is one but it seems it was later gilded. The story goes that Amy Quayl...
Overall survival rate was 38%; 62% of first-class passengers, 42% of second-class passengers and 25% of third-class passengers. I can't believe I have to add this, but the crew were not passengers. Classic:Type in answers that appear in a list ...
You can see the outline of both theTitanicandOlympicon the slipways where the ships were built and launched. There is also aTitanicmemorial lawn located on theOlympicslipway. The names of those who died in the shipwreck are set in vertical glass panels on the slipways. ...