Bonus content Director Commentary By James Cameron (2005) 3 H 14 Min Cast And Crew Commentary (2005) 3 H 14 Min Historical Commentary By Don Lynch And Ken Marschall (2005) 3 H 14 Min TITANIC: Stories From The Heart 35 Min REFLECTIONS ON TITANIC ...
Titanic + Bonus Content 1998 Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance 3 h 14 min English audio CC HDR M Experience the greatest love story of all time with TITANIC — James Cameron’s epic masterpiece and Winner of 11 ...
The deleted scenes are not bonus features and are included within the film. You have the option to "play all" episodes, or watch them one by one. I highly recommend the "play all" option, it has a running time of 187 minutes which will be long for some, but I find you are more ...
I realize this question would probably be more speculation than a factual answer, but I just wondered if there were some clues at the end that I maybe didn't pick up on or if there were some "DVD bonus" or behind the scenes I haven't seen that answered this. lblinc 18 Share ...
Colors are at a premium, with the beach and skydiving scenes especially at a premium. Image detail is impeccable, and the print is free of any dirt or debris, which is a nice bonus for an older film. The surround soundtrack brings the action to life, utilizing the rea...