TITAN SYN SN SAE 0W-20 Super High Performance, fuel-economy engine oil for a variety of gasoline engines in passenger cars. Good cold starting behaviour and low oil consumption. 行业 Automotive Consumer, aftermarket Agriculture, forestry 技术参数...
The new engine oil TITAN GT1 PRO RN17 FE SAE 0W-20 was specially developed to address the Renault RN17 FE specification. The RN17 FE specification is… … based on ACEA C5 … requires the Viscosity Class SAE 0W-20 … meeting the Renault Long Life engine tests Your advantages at a glanc...
TITAN SYN SN SAE 0W-20 TITAN SYN SN 0W-20是专为最新技术的高负荷小型化发动机开发的节油型全合成发动机油,结合新型可靠的添加剂技术确保油品在各种工况条件下突出油膜强度的同时赋予发动机极佳的燃油经济性。 其卓越的低温流动性确保油品在最短时间内到达发动机各个润滑部位,实现摩擦和磨损的最小化。 行业 汽车 ...
TITAN GT1 PRO V SAE 0W-20 Premium Performance Engine Oil with new XTL®-Technology in ground-breaking viscosity class. Specially designed for modern VOLVO vehicles, for extreme fuel-economy characteristics and reduced CO2 emissions. Excellent cold staring behaviour, very fast oil circulation and ...