Wikipedia Ti´tan crane 1.(Mach.)A massive crane with an overhanging counterbalanced arm carrying a traveler and lifting crab, the whole supported by a carriage mounted on track rails. It is used esp. for setting heavy masonry blocks for piers, breakwaters, etc. ...
or car + boat. Any sort of machine only child who have additional functionality due to 2 different machine type parents. One easy way to think about this, Is if a jet and a submarine have a child, they produce a vehicle that
In 2015, NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) awarded a Phase II grant to a proposed robotic submarine in order to further investigate and develop the concept. This submarine explorer, should it be deployed to Titan, will explore the depths of Kraken Mare to investigate its makeup and ...
I believe the Thresher suffered a concertina implosion that significantly reduced the length of the submarine. Likes Lnewqban Jun 24, 2023 #80 Vanadium 50 Staff Emeritus Science Advisor Education Advisor 2023 Award 35,005 21,674 Rive said: External pressure is expected to make the ...