The meaning of TITAN is any of a family of giants in Greek mythology born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods. How to use titan in a sentence.
Late Middle English:“the sun, Helios,” fromLatinTītān,fromGreekTītā́n;Titandefs1andTitannone2were first recorded in1400–50;Titandef3was first recorded in1865–70; Discover More Example Sentences Which was, by the way, an homage to “Clash of the Titans.” ...
Late Middle English:“the sun, Helios,” fromLatinTītān,fromGreekTītā́n;Titan defs 1andTitan none 2were first recorded in 1400–50;Titan def 3was first recorded in 1865–70; Discover More Example Sentences Tennessee’s defense is solid but it’s on the field too much because the Ti...
The meaning of TITAN is any of a family of giants in Greek mythology born of Uranus and Gaea and ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods. How to use titan in a sentence.
TITAN meaning: 1 : one of a family of giants in Greek mythology; 2 : an extremely large and powerful person, company, etc.
Titanwas given as a name to planet Saturn's largest satellite in 1831 (Greek Kronos, equivalent of Roman Saturn, was leader of the titans). It was discovered 1655 by Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens, who named itSaturni Luna"moon of Saturn." Others soon were found, however, and all we...
Dictionary definitions of the word titan The meaning of titan titan 3 definitions of the word titan. Noun A person of exceptional importance and reputation (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus (...
In Greek vase painting Leto was usually depicted as a woman lifting her veil in a gesture of modesty. She was usually depicted accompanied by her two children. The exact meaning of her name is obscure, some commentators connect it with the word lethô, to move unseen, suggestive of ...
Astraeus was the ancient Greek Titan god of stars and planets and of the art of astrology. By Eos (the Dawn) he was the father of the Stars and the four seasonal Winds. Astraeus also had a daughter named Astraea who was the goddess of the constellation V
56K Who are the Titans in Greek mythology? How many Titans were there and how were they created? See a description of the mythical Titans and their relation to Olympians. Related to this QuestionWhat is Atlas the Titan of? What is the meaning of the name Arnold? Who were the Titans?