Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The implosion that took the lives of five souls who made the perilous deep sea voyage to the Titanic shipwreck is not your typical disaster. But perhaps the OceanGate Titan submersible craft wasdoomed from the start. On July 6, OceanGate announced that itwoul...
the Titan submersible set off on a journey to tour the wreckage of the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Afterlosing contact with the surface, the US Coast Guard found that the Titan experienced a “catastrophic implosion” on the way down, killing all five passengers on board, ...
in the implosion’s aftermath, the french newspaper le figaro would report that nargeolet had told his family that he was wary of the titan ’s carbon fiber hull and its oversized viewport, assessing them as potential weak spots. “he was a little skeptical about this new technology, but ...
Rush and four others were killed in June 2023 whenthe Titan suffered a catastrophic implosionduring a dive to the wreck of the Titanic. Much of their conversations concerned precisely the factors that have come under scrutiny since the Titan disaster: the carbon-fiber hull, the unusual design...
The Titan submersible implosion was a disaster in which a submersible imploded on June 18, 2023, while traveling to the Titanic wreckage. All five people on board the Titan were killed.