orbital debrisGEONASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) observed the entire sky from low Earth orbit in four IR bands (3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 microns) in 2010, and detected a significant number of Earth-orbiting spacecraft. All four bands were observed simultaneously. The two red...
Still, the hypothesis isn’t a slam dunk.Jani Radebaugh, a planetary scientist at Brigham Young University who was not involved in the research, tellsScience Newsthat Titan’s volcanic activity may “create a problem” for this theory, since debris from eruptions ...
the support ship had lost contact with them. their disappearance set off a media frenzy. people speculated how long the crew might be able survive without power or aid. a massive search-and-rescue operation spent four days combing the sea before finding debris from the sub. the us navy late...
I mean, there are areas of the debris field no one's been to. You know, we don't know what's there. If we don't go do that, then who is gonna do that? So if we want to preserve the memory of the Titanic, and understand the site, and how it's decaying, and capture 8...
The difference in backscatter was ascribed to the possible presence of a transient surface layer with distinct dielectric properties, such as a layer of suspended or floating organic debris that sunk or dispersed by the time of the T28 observation (A. G. Hayes et al. 2011). Seven years ...
Titan's thick, nitrogen-dominated atmosphere allows for aeolian processes to shape the surface by transporting photochemically derived organic debris analogously to how silica or gypsum grains are transported on Earth (e.g. Barnes et al., 2015). Titan's equatorial zones are dominated by massive ...
The EGA flyby occurs on 9 April 2020, regardless of the launch date within our window, at a distance of 1.1 R ⊕ from Earth’s center so as to be high enough to avoid debris in low Earth orbit. Additional adjustment TCMs are performed with the main propulsion thruster, in ...
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured a crisp image of a long river cutting across Saturn's huge moon Titan. The hydrocarbon-filled river stretches more than 250 miles (400 kilometers) from its source to a large sea near frigidTitan's north pole. Cassini's radar image is the first high...
It starts when Venus explodes into a brilliant cloud of dust and debris, showering Earth with radiation and bizarre particles that wipe out all the crops and half the life in the oceans, and fry the ozone layer. Days later, a few specks of moon rock kicked up from the last Apollo mis...
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