Bowling alleys and Szeged center - Szeged TE天气-2℃/5℃ 塞切尼温泉浴场天气-2℃/5℃ Municipal Sports Hall - Confectionery天气-2℃/5℃ 英雄广场天气-2℃/5℃ 多瑙河畔鞋履雕塑天气-2℃/5℃ Pick Salami and Szeged Paprika Museum天气-2℃/6℃ 匈牙利布达佩斯 · Imagine Dragons《LOOM》世界巡演...
Define River Tisza. River Tisza synonyms, River Tisza pronunciation, River Tisza translation, English dictionary definition of River Tisza. also Ti·sa A river of central Europe rising in the Carpathian Mountains in the western Ukraine and flowing about