Library NEWEST PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGIES TRENDING IN OPTICS DOWNLOAD PRODUCT INFO TECHNICAL LITERATURE Links to Industry Articles Published Articles Lens Tissue and Cloth are used to clean or polish optical components to maximize performance of an optical system. Lens Tissue and Cloth consist of microfiber...
Reversed microscope for examination and observation of cell and tissue culture from the bottom of a chamber has tube and revolving unit for objective lenses. An afocal relay lens system is arranged between the contact surface of the microscope tube and the contact surface of the revolving unit. ...
To address these limitations, we bioengineered a cell-free implantable medical device as a substitute for human corneal stromal tissue. As a raw material we used natural type I collagen, the main protein in the human cornea24. For an abundant yet sustainable and cost-effective supply of collagen...
A band pass filter F1 (FF01-785/62-25, Semrock, New York; central wavelength: 785 nm; bandwidth: 62 nm) was used as an excitation filter to clean up any undesirable sideband components of the diode laser, which is located in the pass band of the emission filters. The shutter had a ...
Once the excitation light has been modulated, it is passed through a clean-up polarizer62to improve contrast, a first tube lens64, and a bandpass excitation filter66. The filtered excitation light is reflected into the objective lens assembly54by a dichroic mirror70and forms an image of the ...
The Mem-PER protein extraction kit, Halt™ protease inhibitors cocktail, PAGEprep™ protein clean up kit and the BCA Assay® for protein determination were from Pierce Biotechnology (Rockford, IL). Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-coupled donkey anti-rb IgG (H + L), and Cy3-labeled donkey ...
microscope with a Plan-apochromat 10 ×/0.45 M27 lens, 2 × confocal zoom (stack size, 200 μm; stack step, 2 μm) and post-processed with Vaa3D software. Scale bar, 100 μm. Depth of fluorescence intensity was greater in PRESTO-treated tissue compared to that of free-...
While this method was validated for intact mouse embryos and portions of both heart and kidney, the limiting factor in our ability to image larger samples was the resident microscope, which has a small imaging chamber and limited X, Y, Z movement. However, with the appropriate hardware, the ...
For documentation purposes, all processed images were digitally photographed (Colour Camera Nikon DS-Fi3, v. 100.06.3307.E9 (Nikon Inc., Tokyo, Japan) using an OLYMPUS VANOX AHBT3 (Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan) optical microscope with 4×, 10×, 20× and 40× objective lenses. ...
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