必应词典为您提供tissueengineering的释义,n. 组织工程学;
Conclusion: A new tendon transplant material may be constructed withtissue engineering. 结论: 用组织工程学方法构建的滑膜化肌腱可以作为一种新的肌腱移植材料. 互联网 Bioactive ceramic fiber has widely demands intissue engineering. 生物活性陶瓷纤维在组织工程领域有着广泛需求. ...
Tissue engineering, 顾名思义,是一项工程,一项构建生物体组织的工程。再通俗点说,就是你缺损什么组织我们帮你再生什么组织。 它能构建哪些组织?目前广泛研究的是骨组织工程、皮肤组织工程、血管组织工程。还有神经组织工程以及其他的一些组织工程。 它怎么构建?组织工程有三要素:支架(材料)、(干)细胞、信号分子。 大...
《Journal of Tissue Engineering》(ISSN 2041-7314)作为Q1区权威期刊,2023年影响因子6.7,特别关注材料-细胞界面作用机制及临床转化研究。数据显示,该刊中国学者发文占比超30%,平均审稿周期3个月,与《Cell Transplantation》建立快速转稿通道,为生物墨水开发、器官芯片等前沿方向提供高效发布...
根据Tissue Engineering Part A的自引率数据不足,但是当前的自引率是很低的。020-2021年度为5.1%,2021-2022年度的自引率为2.2%,暂时不需要担心自引率的问题。 版面费 Tissue Engineering Part A提供两种发表模式。如果选择传统发表模式,终稿需支付$95/页,约合人民币667元,彩印需另外支付$950,约合人民币6671元...
作者: Van Blitterswijk, Clemens/ Thomsen, Peter/ Williams, David/ Lindahl, Anders/ Cancedda, Ranieri 出版年: 2008-4 页数: 760 定价: 839.00元 ISBN: 9780123708694 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· Tissue engineering is an extremely...
Tissue engineering is a set of methods that can replace or repair damaged or diseased tissues with natural, synthetic, or semisynthetic tissue mimics. These mimics can either be fully functional or will grow into the required functionality.
Tissue Engineering is the preeminent, biomedical journal advancing the field with cutting-edge research and applications that repair or regenerate portions or whole tissues. This multidisciplinary journal brings together the principles of engineering and life sciences in the creation of artificial tissues an...
Tissue Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and life sciences to develop biological substitutes with the purpose of restoring and regenerating damaged or injured tissues. This chapter provides an overview of the field of tissue engineering and outlines its ...
Tissue Engineering is divided into three parts, providing a central forum for groundbreaking scientific research and developments of clinical applications from leading experts in the field that will enable the functional replacement of tissues. Tissue Engineering Methods (Part C) presents innovative tools ...