Case Study in Tissue Ownership Introduction: Last week the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against the practice of granting patents on human genes. However, their decision did not generally address theownership of genetic information, which raises an interesting question: Do you own your DNA? It is...
the agency recommends that the donormedical historyscreening interview should include questions to defer potential donors with a diagnosis or a known family history (blood relative) of CJD and those who have received human pituitary growth hormone ordura matertransplants.24Additionally, in 2002, the ...
Furthermore, based on the reproducible and almost algorithmic tissue interactions that we found, we developed computational design tools to create complex tissue tessellations. Whereas previous work had exclusively studied binary head-on collisions, the tessellations allowed us to study collisions between ...
When we consider how questions about long-term stability are further heightened by the potential for international repetition of work that may in the long-term render some biobanks as duplicates and unnecessary we recognise the importance of this type of planning. The challenge is captured in our ...
[236]. Despite the rapid progress in evaluating the efficacy of MSC transplantation for wound healing, several questions still need to be addressed. Further studies are necessary to characterize the niche of MSC, which helps MSCs to be effective in the wound-healing process. Further investigation ...
Randomized clinical trials, prospective clinical trials, and case series were included in this review. Clinical questions were formulated and organised according to the PICOS strategy. An electronic search was performed in PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Scopus, and ISI Web up...
Questions regarding the potential for Mn to affect brain development and cognitive function might be addressed by extension of the model during gestation and lactation to evaluate potential changes in the cerebral cortex as the target tissue. Nonetheless, the globus pallidus is the most sensitive ...
Summarizing, our study was designed to answer four questions. For which data scale and algorithm settings do we achieve: The best estimate of cell type-specific expression profiles (columns of signature matrix)? Data basis: experimental data. The best marker-based identification of reconstructed cell...
However, based on our findings, we believe that using these visualization techniques may provide diagnostic information to troubleshoot difficult classification questions.References Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. & Hinton, G. E. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Advances ...
basis for improved early detection of clinically important cancers, targeted focal and systemic therapy, and improved patient outcomes for ubiquitous malignancies such as prostate cancer. Overall, our study raises important biological questions about cancer evolution, somatic mosaicism and tissue development....