10For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. 11And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. Parable of the Pounds 12He said ...
But let’s not get hung up on years or age. Let’s think about it more in terms of having more or less experience and more or less time given to a particular interest or cause or love. I know many ladies younger than me who teach me about relationships and life skills, and it’s...
“But is it not probable, O my son,” said the Tisroc, “that at the taking of the woman either King Edmund or you will lose his life?” 26 - “他们就只有几个人,”拉巴达什说道,“而我会吩咐我的十名手下,缴了他的械,再把他绑起来。我会克制住要教他血偿的强烈欲望,这样,您和至高...
This paper provides natural history information including home range and movements, growth rates in the wild, and cloacal autohemorrhaging on black kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula nigra Linnaeus 1766) that is absent from the literature. We used long-term mark-recapture techniques including cover...
This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing; haste, haste to bring him laud, the babe the son of Mary. Haste – to bring him laud. Not sure we’ve been doing the best job of that lately. But every year, we get another reminder at Christmas, another invita...