7.) Chronic fatigue syndrome Fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome Difficulty concentrating and "poor memory" Difficulty in sleeping Muscle pain Joint pain Headache Sore throat Enlarged and slightly painful lymph nodes Exhaustion following mental or physical exertion, even after 24 hours of rest ...
Tiredness as determinant of subsequent use of health and social services among nondisabled elderly people Patients' descriptions of the influence of tiredness and weakness on self-care abilities. A Qualitative Study to Explore the Concept of Fatigue/Tiredness in Cancer Patients and in Healthy Individ...
Predictors of pain and fatigue in the year following diagnosis among elderly cancer patients. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2001;21(6):456–466.Glaus, A., Crow, R., and Hammond, S. A qualitative study to explore the concept of fatigue/tiredness in cancer patients and in healthy individuals. ...
Retirement leads to a substantial reduction in mental and physical fatigue and depressive symptoms, finds a study published in the British Medical Journal today. However, the research also concludes that retirement does not change the risk of major chronic illnesses such as respiratory disease, diabete...
Chronicfatiguesyndrome Internationaldiagnosticcriteria References Keypoints Theinvestigationoftirednessisaclinicalratherthanlaboratorytask. Afocusedapproachtothelaboratoryinvestigationoftirednessisusuallydeterminedbyclinicalfindings. Whentirednessisthesoleclinicalfinding,investigationsaredeterminedbypatientdemographics,presenceofri...
life activities such as bathing alone and changing postures. Some patients needed additional assistance as they had venous access devices and urinary catheters. Moreover, COVID-19 symptoms such as shortness of breath, tiredness, and fatigue may have limited independence in activities of daily ...