"Fixing the stuff other shops don't want to, or know how to, is a small niche. However, since we get all this work in Boulder, it's a good business for us," said owner Peter Chisholm. Chisholm has a long history work- ing in bike shops, beginning with moon- lighting at Bike ...
去年,中超上海上港队球员武磊根据引进人才政策获得上海户口。来沪踢球12年后,终于落户。 新华社记者 曹 灿摄 北漂多年的小冬(化名),最近看到了一丝曙光。3年前研究生毕业后,他前往上海就业,却以几分之差无缘应届生落户机会。来京打拼后,户口成了他的心结。这几天,微信中不少北漂朋友都在“算分”,估算着自己获...