Chopper over a tire that fell off a United Airlines jet at San Francisco International Airport on March 7, 2024.CBS One of the vehicles was crushed from the falling tire. "You say the wheel fell off from where?" asked William, an SFO worker who came back to his car, just...
航空母舰: F-14 Jet: 弹射起飞, 飞机-1(aircraft carrier: f-14 jet: catapult take off, airplane-1) [5700] 综合音效库/其他(other)/航空母舰(aircraft carrier) 鸡尾酒调酒器: 在鸡尾酒调酒器摇加冰的饮料, BAR(cocktail shaker: shake drink with ice in cocktail shaker, bar) ...
the entire number of wheel brakes is present, the development of slip control systems, i.e., of systems where a technical device takes over the control function performed by the human being began in the forties of this century, initially only for the braking systems of airplane landing gear....
Mike loved the sounds of the plane and he 1of becoming an airplane pilot(飞行员) some day. As Mike grew up, he learned as 2 as he could about flying. He wanted to go to flying school 3university. He kept on4 his parents about it all the time. At that time, pilot training was ...
航空母舰: F-14 Jet: 空闲, 增加推力, 弹射起飞, 射流在背景空转, 飞机(aircraft carrier: f-14 jet: idle, increase thrust, catapult take off, jet idling in background, airplane) [5700] 综合音效库/其他(other)/航空母舰(aircraft carrier) ...