A sneeze is no big deal-unless it turns into a string of sneezes you can’t stop once it starts. Find out what causes it plus four tips to help stop sneezing.
Wash hands frequently: Regularly use soap and running water to wash hands carefully following the correct handwashing method, especially after touching public items, after coughing or sneezing, before preparing food and before meals...
7 Expert Tips to Make Yourself Stand Out in a Crowd 15 Hacks to Know If Someone is Interested in You 16 Hacks to Become a Morning Person What Will Happen If You Drink Too Much Water? 9 Tips to Stop Being a Side Sleeper 123…25Next...
women's facial skin produces an increase in sebum, an oily substance used to protect the skin. This leads to a higher level of hydration during the warmer seasons. At the same time, skin is prone to dryness because of increased sun exposure. Thus, our skincare regimen...
runny nose or sneezing. Traditionally, Southeast Asian communities have also made use of turmeric to treat coughs and nose clogging colds. Curcumin, a compound contained in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is thought to be responsible for these powerful positive properties...
If you do not know how to prevent meningitis in adults, you should not have direct contact with infected people. The bacteria present in throat and nose secretions can spread through sneezing and coughing. And, you could have meningitis if you have direct contact with infected person. Therefore...
This means that lifting weights, running, sneezing, coughing, and something as simple as laughing can lead to an embarrassing leak. Along with urge incontinence, stress incontinence is the most common type of incontinence. Urge Incontinence: When you've got a sudden urge to go, you can be ...
Thankfully, there are hypoallergenic breeds to consider, such as the bichon frise, whose coat is less likely to trigger sneezing and coughing. Place of purchase Choosing where to get your pet comes with advantages and disadvantages. With many overcrowded shelters across the country, adop...
Avoid going to public places where crowds gather and air circulation is poor. If necessary please wear the mask. 4.咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾、毛巾等遮住口鼻,咳嗽或打喷嚏后洗手,尽量避免触摸眼睛、鼻或口。 When coughing or sneezing, cover your...
While environmental substances can trigger dryness in the nose and sneezing, data also suggest that dust that accumulates indoors can physiologically affect the nose and make it more prone to dryness and other irritating symptoms.5By cleaning the spaces where you live and work, you may reduce your...