For collection, the phlebotomist usually selects a vein in the crook of your elbow, where veins are readily accessible. Blood can also be drawn from veins in the wrists, fingers or heels. A tourniquet may be applied to restrict blood flow and make the chosen vein puff out. Different tests...
An enormous and exhaustive checklist of everything you should and shouldn’t do as you prepare yourself for getting a new tattoo.
My mom used to tell me that babies can smell milk so they automatically know where to look. Babies are naturally able to find their mom’s breast when placed on her chest. Experts also recommend skin-to-skin contact after birth to help keep the baby calm and help them adapt to the out...
There are lots of reasons that people might consider having dental implants, and the decision to proceed is not always an easy one to make. Regardless of why you need them, be it missing, damaged, discoloured, or decaying teeth, what solution you choose to remedy any of these should not...
In this meeting of the minds, the two bucks were not seeing eye to eye, and it was an all-out brawl. There was blood, saliva, breath steam, and dust. The raging battle of the bucks lasted for over 8 minutes. I was blessed with a ring-side seat, and over 1,900 images were the...
you’re trying to raise consciousness around physical sensations. If you’re cut off from emotions, it’s because you’re cut off from your body. The act of vocally naming sensations helps promote a mind-body neural connection that makes it easier and easier to raise real-time emotional awa...
Getting the most out of your Apple Watch is all about knowing how to use it – which is where our list of cool features and hacks comes in.
I find this reverse method much easier to work with than trying to start with a plot and figure out how a romance comes out of it or works into it (though this is possible too). To add to the flames, try a sequence of three plots linked together. ...
I know CSS is a ridiculously powerful tool that would make my life easier, but I use it in a very basic (and probably painful) way. Don’t judge me, just accept that the way I’ve learnt was what I needed to get the job done (this probably means that noob’s like myself will ...
Because focus is to memory and attention what a key is to a lock. Yes, you can always force-open a lock. But it’s easier and smoother and faster with a key, don’t you think? As with increasing memory, far too many people get this point about focus wrong. They think it has to...