Like most drivers out there, you are probably overpaying for auto insurance. You work hard to be a responsible, accident-free, ticket-free driver but your premiums remain high or they even increase on occasion. The insurance market is saturated with many insurance companies so the good news i...
The first step to lowering your health care costs is to ask your employer about the various options available to reduce your insurance costs. Choosing a high-deductible plan for a lower monthly premium might be reasonable if you don't rely on regular medications or checkups. Also, consider ope...
The Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credit is a new refundable tax credit that can lower your monthly health insurance premiums. If you qualify for the tax credit, you can claim the Premium Tax Credit throughout the year to lower your monthly health insu
Okay. I came into the health insurance industry in 1975, so I have seen a lot of changes. We have a family business here, Peachtree Corners, actually in Tech Park. We have a staff that supports small group businesses, which is generally companies under 100 employe...
Advertisement and marketing expenses to promote your freelance work. Interest costs, if the amount you borrowed was used in your business. Insurance premiums for your business assets. Home office deductions for freelancers There’s another critical deduction that you should know about. If you’re a...
Holiday vacations can be crazy expensive, so consider these five ways to keep costs down. Jessica WalrackNov. 13, 2024 Tax Tips for ACA Open Enrollment Most people receive tax credits to reduce their premiums for health insurance they buy on the ACA marketplace. Kimberly LankfordNov. 12, ...
s adjusted gross income. This includes all income from all sources including your spouse, if married, reduced by certain adjustments you are allowed to take. This amount should reflect your income on your tax return. It determines your eligibility for lower-cost health insurance prem...
“My suggestion is to make a note on your calendar mid-year, in June or July, to think about how much money you made so far in the year and make adjustments to your health insurance subsidy for the last half of the year,” Cox says. ...
If, for example, you are eligible for a primary insurance amount of $2,000, or $24,000, at age 66, then by waiting until age 70, your annual benefit would increase to $31,680. In cumulative terms, you would increase your total benefits from $378,000 received by your life expectancy...
Medicare, the government health insurance plan for disabled Americans and those over 65, has undergone some ofthe most significant changes since its inception in 2006. Experts recommend that enrolleestake a close look at changesin their Medicare plans during open enrollment season...