Poor posture can wreak havoc on your overall health. WebMD shows you 9 habits that lead to poor posture and shares tips to save your spine.
Regular backups should be considered the cornerstone of any half-decent security posture. If your business is running on WordPress, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be creating regular backups of your content. In the event that your website is hacked, one of the first things...
If you tend to be a perfectionist and feel “lesser than” if everything isn't done just so, you might want to read the book,The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, by Brene Brown. 17. Live for Yourself People who live ...
but perhaps that's what I need to do. Mainly, though, are there any references on how to improve my existing habits and lettering, rather than insist I
Here are a few tips to improve your posture: Always keep your head straight looking forward (without putting a strain on your neck; let it rest naturally). Tuck your shoulder blades down instead of drooping at the front. When using an electronic device (cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc....
The practice is thought to improve attention, increase energy, and decrease stress. Of course, it can also help you have better sex. “Deeper breathing can help us achieve deeper, stronger, and longer-lasting orgasms,” says pleasure-based sex educator Kait Scalisi. Deep breaths help engage ...
you’re putting on your hands, arms, and neck while you type. If you don’t have the luxury of sitting like this because you’re writing on public transit,in a coffee shop, or anywhere else that forces you to sit in an uncomfortable position, do your best to approximate this posture....
Some people may getdefensive and be taken off guard when you adopt an open posture.Slow down your pace.If you speak fast consider slowing down, especially if you have to keep repeating yourself since t means thatthe other person can't catch you.4 Sudden fast movements like suddenly swinging...
The article offers tips on how human resource (HR) professionals could improve their business and personal etiquette skills. It notes that HR professionals must maintain direct eye contact with their new business and social acquaintances. It mentions the importance of posture as people do notice ...
Body image and social media - How to improve body image and my personal tips that have helped keep me grounded.