If you help your boss get a raise, then you can expect the favor to be returned as well. When you have managed to get back a client who was really upset with the company, provide the full credit to your boss and make him look good in front of his superiors. This way, when the p...
Seven secret tips that can help you get a raiseCommon SenseMetricsProfessionJoel LeonardPlant Services
Need a raise? Try these tips. Exceed their expectations. Even experts agree that essential to the advancement of your career is not only to do what is expected but to do an impressive output of the task that is given you. In other words, if you give more, you get more. Follow instruc...
Asking for a raise is something that very few people ever look forward to doing at work. That said, it’s an important and inevitable aspect of working life. When it comes to asking for a raise, there are plenty of things to consider and prepare for. You also need to ensure the meeti...
"Let’s say you want to furnish your house,” says Moore. "Great. Do it one room at a time. You almost never need to to get everything right away, but people often think they do. No. Practice delayed gratification. Put funds away for this thing you want and wait it o...
UnderReactions, choose how to engage in a meeting: SelectRaise handto let others know you'd like to speak up without interrupting the conversation. Choose a reaction likeApplauseorHeartto show how you feel. Spotlight a video When a featured speaker's talking, spotlight their video so it's ...
If you’ve never had that money available to spend, you probably won’t miss it. Gradually bump up the percentage of income you’re saving—every time you get a raise, for example. Whenever you “find” money—from tax refunds, gifts or spending cuts—dedicate a portion of it to ...
Learning how to write a cover letter for a resume is simple. Follow these steps and increase your chances of landing a job interview. Let's get started! Step 1 Pick a Template Cover letters look best on a professional template. That's why our designs are: ...
Company-sponsored retirement plans are a great choice. Not only do you get to put in pretax dollars, but many companies will also match part of your contribution, which is free money. Contribution limits tend to be higher for401(k)sthan forindividual retirement accounts (IRAs), but both ar...