Wilderness survival fires have different requirements. Learn fire pit construction tips for surviving a cold night...(read more) Flint Knapping Arrowheads: Beyond the Basics with Step-by-Step Photos Learn how to turn a stone into an arrow point. Flint knapping arrowheads is a connection to the...
Instead of relying unduly on a cell phone, especially for your more ambitious wilderness excursions, consider the rental or purchase of a satellite phone.A satellite phone, or “satphone,” is a mobile phone that communicates directly with orbiting communications satellites. The handsets can be the...
It may take hours or days for rescuers to come to one's aid in the event of an emergency, and delays like this can be deadly. It is important, therefore, for adventurers to understand basic techniques for surviving in the wilderness. If you're planning a trip to Branson, find nearby ...
Lessons From the Arctic: Eric Larsen on Surviving Cancer Louisa Albanese and Zoe Gates Four Nights Lost in the Cold Louisa Albanese and Zoe Gates Skier Rescues Stranger From a Tree Well Louisa Albanese Signal Fire Strategies: Dos and Don’ts for Survival Louisa Albanese and Zoe Gates...
At White Survival, we take pride in our expertise on wilderness safety. Our instructors have years of experience leading expeditions and teaching students how to navigate challenging terrain.Staying Positive: Mental Toughness for Survival Surviving in the wilderness is not just about physical strength,...
Be sure to prepare yourself for such a challenging adventure. Aside from getting mentally and physically ready for the great outdoors, you also need to learn how to trap and hunt small game before heading into the wilderness. This will increase your chances of surviving in the wild....
Surviving and Thriving in the Wild: Essential Skills and Gear for Outdoor Enthusiasts Branden RoushApr 8, 20230 Comments Do you ever feel the draw to put everyday life on pause and head out into the wild? Yearning for a mental reset, physical challenge, or desire to just unplug—it’s…...
Surviving the Great Outdoors: A Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness Survival OFFGRID SurvivalSurvival Skills,Survivalism,Wilderness Survival1 Imagine you’re miles deep into a hike, far away from any cell signal, and your GPS fails. Would you know what to do next? In this wilderness survival guide...
5 Excellent Survival Tips That Will Definitely Not Get You Killed, Probably Surviving in the wilderness is easier than you think. How easy is it? I made up these survival strategies off the top of my head. Take that, “experts”!
Surviving in the desert can be a bit trickier, and you will need to follow the following five points:Stay calm Conserve energy Find water Find shelter Be wary of wildlifeThere is often more than this to consider, but following these steps will increase your chances of survival. Conserving ...