The number of online users have increased drastically and people started to depend on the internet even for daily needs such as grocery shopping, vegetable shopping, etc. Online shopping requires the payments to be done online and it has got many advantages, but there are some untoward and dang...
Staying safe online is an important part of getting the most out of the internet. Even though it may seem like it’s an innocent place, the truth is that you can get into plenty of trouble. There are all sorts of risks involved which is why you need toprotect your data. From your d...
8 tips to help you stay safe and secure on the internet Use two-factor authentication whenever possible.Two-factor authentication adds another layer of security when logging into a website, be it e-mail, banking, or other websites. Some websites, such as Google, will text you a code when...
Cybercriminals (网络罪犯) can break into your smart phone or computer.They put a virus (病毒) on it through a link.Then they steal your gaming account and get money from it.They can also sell your name,address and ID card number to underground markets."可知,网络罪犯侵入你的手机或电脑后...
Stayingsafeonline Weshouldlearnsometipsonhowtousetheinternetsafely.Haveyoueverclickedastrangelinkonline?Isthepasswordofyourgameaccount(账户)safeenough?Doyouremembertologoff(退出登录)afterusingpubliccomputers?Youmaythinkthesearen'tproblems.Buttheycanmakebigtrouble!Youmaylosemoney,getdisturbedbyothers,oreventakepart...
DONTs of Safe Online Behavior 1: Don’t share your personal information One of the most overlooked Internet safety tips has to do with sharing personal information. We’re so comfortable with the Internet that we don’t hesitate to share personal information on message boards or social media ...
London is beautiful at night, all lit up with lots going on. It is important however not to let your guard down and remain extra vigilant just in case. London at night is generally safe but in order to mitigate risk and enjoy your night, ensure people know where you are, that you pla...
Liz Grace from the NSPCC said: “It’s great for kids to stay connected to their friends in these strange times. But it’s up to the adults to keep children safe online. “Many social media companies have had to send their moderators home and they are relying on artificial intelligence ...
Always Use a VPN When Going Online When travelling, a lot of people use various public connections they find at airports, conference centres, coffee shops, parks, hotels, and so on. Connecting to public Wi-Fi is the worst thing you can do when it comes tocybersecurity. This is because ...
While the threats to online accounts are out there, the tips to staying safe can help you stay protected and utilize features often already available by the companies and their websites, and most without costing you additional money. These internet safety tips should help ensure your security onl...