Tips on English Learning ---英语的门槛有多高 陈琳:习得?学得? 外语是不可能“习得”的,只能“学得”。我一向主张要“背”。不仅儿童,成人更要背。且看郑板桥在《自叙》中所说:“人咸谓板桥读书善记,不知非善记,乃善诵耳。板桥每读一书,必千万遍。舟中、马上、被底,或当食忘匕著,或对客不听其语,并自...
Tips on learning English大学优秀作文精编 361166_10872041号 题目要求: 题目: 要求: Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition with on the topicTips on Learning English. You should write at least 130 words. Tips on learning English Nowadays, an increasing number of people are ...
Experts' Tips on learning english TipsForEnglishLearning Howdoyoumemorizenewwords? Newwordsshouldbemasteredinseveralways. First,pronunciation:listentoitfirstandpracticeitagainandagainbyimitation. Second,spelling:learnsomeknowledgeforwordbuildingandpronunciationrules.Third,meaninganduse:learnitthrough...
2. Showing pictures of different ways of English learning 3. A survey between students: how to learn English better. Teacher giving away a Questionnaire on English Learning 1. Do you sometimes watch English movies? 2. Do you attend any spare time schools or go to some private tutors to stu...
3.A survey between students: how to learn English better. Teacher giving away a Questionnaire on English Learning 1. Do you sometimes watch English movies? 2. Do you attend any spare time schools or go to some private tutors to study English?
【演讲/英语/TED】情绪是如何影响我们的How Emotionally Healthy Are You(YouTube)(生肉) 109 -- 5:26 App 为什么我要离开伦敦WHY I LEFT LONDON ! 709 1 44:58 App 英国伦敦老师的纯正英语Real English Live - Idioms about Work (in Conversation) 759 -- 6:16 App 新西兰加拿大本土语言大比拼NEW ZEALAN...
【题目】Tips on Learning EnglishMany people always say thatlistening to spoken English is too hard for them.But f you don't understand what people are saying, how can you talk with them? Itmay be difficult, but learming by istening is necessary. It can be done.As we know, different ...
Tips on English learning ¡¡¡¡Tips on English learning ¡¡¡¡There are no express ways on English learning.If you want to study English well,remember the following tips please. ¡¡¡¡First,listen more.Please listen to the foreign teachers,they can speak English well....