来自原作者 David CooperHello, Dave here! If you are thinking about learning how to play the French horn, or just getting back into it, these are five tips I think are quintessen, 视频播放量 791、弹幕量 0、点赞数 16、投硬币枚数
When playing the flute, your left-hand plays the keys nearest to the mouthpiece. The left thumb should rest on the bottom key on the body of the flute with the other fingers curved around the instrument and resting on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th keys and the pinky finger touching the side k...
Test Play Your Instrument Many new flutists often purchase a used flute in order to save money. While purchasing a used flute is great for its money-saving properties, some used flutes are in desperate need of repairs, discouraging students who are unable to produce a good sound on the flute...
Discover tips on how to make an effective to-do task list that you'll want to use, so you can promote productivity and stay on track.
For very small players (ages 5 to 7), you could start on thefifeorApprentice flute, both of which are affordable ‘mini’ flutes. ➡️Read:Starting Your Child on Flute: How Young is Too Young? ▶️Watch:Flutes for Small Beginners ...
Thousands of musicians have come to us for help with these exact same struggles and are now playing jazz better than ever. Just like them you can: Learn the most important things to practice and how, instead of wasting years of aimless practice time working on the wrong things. ...
Noh theater is one of the arts that best reflects the essence of Japanese culture. We introduce three tips on how to enjoy a Noh play along with examples and information on a Noh performance in Tokyo with English guidance.
Thousands of musicians have come to us for help with these exact same struggles and are now playing jazz better than ever. Just like them you can: Learn the most important things to practice and how, instead of wasting years of aimless practice time working on the wrong things. ...
He kept his large suitcase open on the sidewalk for tips. “It’s safer here and the people are nice,” Wray said. Though he wouldn’t say how much he makes in tips, he did say it made it worth the drive over. He had chased the music scene to Austin...
20 03:41 0% Learn Flute Online How to Choose a Flute B Foot or C Foot 30 00:31 0% Ex008 How to Play Piano – Piano Lessons for Beginners 31 06:47 0% Online Saxophone lessons – How to play Wind of Change by the Scorpions on Saxophone 39 06:50 0% Trombone Lessons: Mou...