1 / 用电安全 / 禁止私拉乱接电线,不超负荷使用电器设备。 It is prohibited to connect wires or use equipment beyond electrical capacity privately. 离开宿舍、办公室等场所时,务必关闭所有电器设备电源,特别是空调、电脑、电扇等电器...
Rocky Mountain Power offers tips on electrical safetyDeseret Morning News
1.Electrical Fire Safety TipsOn any given day,it's likely that most people use several different electrical devices(装置).With electric devices being so common in modern homes,it's easy to forget that there are very real risks and angers associated with their use.Take the time to go over ...
4.身上着火,千万不要奔跑,可就地打滚或用厚重的衣物压灭火苗。 If your body is on fire, do not run, but roll on the ground or use heavy clothing to extinguish the fire. 5.若发现外出逃生线路被封,应立即退回室内,用手电筒、呼叫等方式求救。 If you find that ...
Electricity safety tips Electricity makes our lives easier. We use (A) a lot of electrical appliances in our homes every day. Here are three of them. How can we use them (B)?Rice cooker. Keep the outside of the pot dry.. Do not switch the rice cooker on if the pot is empty....
View current offers and specials savings from BriteBox Electrical Services. We are the company you can count on for all your metro Atlanta electrical, home automation, home entertainment and home security needs! Electrical Safety Tips For Taking Down Holiday Decorations ...
Read on to find out what you need to be aware of when it comes to home electricity use. 1. If you're a tenant, make sure you have an electrical safety certificate An electrical safety certificate is a legal requirement for landlords of tenanted properties to commission every five years (...
show your kids the eleetrical warning signs.Teaching Electrical Safety For young children, teach the rules on electrical safety to help them remember. Always remind the kids of specific rules on electricity when you come across things like fallen power lines. You could also make a game of ...
on,must stand at least 1 metre away from the microwave,must only put“microwave safe”objects,Read the article.Then find the answers in the passage.,Task 1,mustnt switch the rice cooker,8,Read and answer the following questions.,How many kinds of electrical appliances does the article talk ...
I.翻译下列短语1.安全用电提示 e electricity safety tips2.使我们的生活更加容易make our lives easier3.很多电器 a lot of electrical appliances4.使锅的外壳保持干爽keep the outside of the pot dry5.打开电饭锅switch the rice cooker on6.把你的手放进洗衣机里put your hand in the washing machine7....