Writinguser storiesis a task that sounds easy but really isn’t. A well-written story should be clear and concise and have enough information that a developer can get to work on it quickly. Over years of picking up different stories, I’ve recognized a few things about them that have mad...
In narrative writing, the term“plot”refers to the events that make up a story. But how doauthorsapproach plotting a story? And what makes a good plot in the first place? We have a few helpful tips! 1. Plotting Your Plot Once you have a premise for your story, think about where it...
Using a scriptwriting software like Celtxcan be a helpful way for screenwriters to improve their screenwriting skills. Scriptwriting software provides a standardized format for writing scripts which makes it easier for industry professionals to read and understand a writer’s work. Additionally, most ...
10 Tips for How to Write a Story that Resonates Now that we’ve discussed what a story is, it’s time to learn how to write a good one. Here are our top ten tips for writing a great story. Tip 1: Start with an Idea that Excites You If you’re not excited about your story id...
Summary writing uses the same best tips for all good writing. If you want to know how to write a summary yourself, we break the process down into 4 basic steps. 1 Read or watch the source material The first step is fairly obvious: Read or watch whatever it is you’re writing a sum...
Finally, writing user stories is worthwhile when you develop software that’s likely to be used. But if you want to quickly create a throwaway prototype or mockup to validate an idea, then writing stories may not be necessary. Instead, it might be better to cocreate the prototype. Remember...
Another of my favorite tips for writing a good cover letter. 29. Choose Active Voice and Avoid Buzzwords Importance: ✸✸✸ Just like when writing your resume, don’t use over-the-top jargon, clichés, or meaningless buzzwords that are too specific. A study from Princeton says that ...
byTéa Silvestre Godfrey|Jan 5, 2025|Branding,Features and Benefits,Storytelling,Writing Tips Eating healthy can sometimes be a tricky thing. Especially if you've got a sweet tooth. Or a penchant for all-things-fried. When we don't make good choices, we end up feeling pretty miserable. And...
4. Take a Break for a Fresh Perspective Don’t be afraid to put your book aside for a few days when you’re feeling blocked, then when you are ready, resume writing. Just make sure that you specify the time that you’ll come back to writing. Give yourself a strict deadline, and ...
“Adopting a dog will make you you’ll be famous for having the most adorable pet on your block.” Here’s a tip:You don’t have to guess whether you’re using certain words correctly or breaking grammar rules in your writing. Just copy and paste your writing to check your grammar and...