Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet. They inherit goals from family and peers which aren't truly their own. What are you there to learn? What do you want to experience? 2. Imagine your...
University life isn't easy. There's the studying, social life, writing… tons of challenges to face. Find great resources and tips for Australian students!
students忠告collegetips大学生professional 给大学生的18个忠告(18tipsforCollegeStudents) First,theUniversityofreading,readwhat? Collegestudentsandcollegestudentsthemaindifference betweentheabsoluteisnotwhethertomasteraprofessional skill...Afteranindependentthinkingandinsistedonthe wrongviewsthanawithoutthinkingandthecorre...
Sarah Lopolito, associate dean and director of the Office of Global Engagement at Clark University in Massachusetts, advises arriving at least a day or two early before orientation, if possible. READ: Don't Make These 8 Mistakes as a College Freshman. Students can “get accli...
Aside from the other students in your shared accommodation, it’s also worth introducing yourself to adjacent flats or university accommodation. It’s also worth noting that there will be tons of events, meeting and gatherings scheduled for fresher’s week, so there will be plenty of opportunity...
Sarah Lopolito, associate dean and director of the Office of Global Engagement at Clark University in Massachusetts, advises arriving at least a day or two early before orientation, if possible. READ: Don't Make These 8 Mistakes as a College Freshman. Students can “get ac...
This is for all the students who, like me, enjoy leaving things to the last minute in hopes that everything will work out in the end. While this method may have worked in high school, it’s important to remember that this is now university;the same approach will not work so well. ...
Morgan’s cousin Dakota is a freshman student who just started a new semester. Dakota is meeting Morgan for lunch today and hopes to receive some advice from the latter about university life. (Morgan 的表亲 Dakota 今年刚上大一,两人约好一起吃午饭,顺便 Dakota 希望 Morgan 能够给TA一些建议) ...
Bonus Tip: Post, but Don't Panic At some point, you will file your college admissions application. After you post it, please don’t panic. With these tips, and your determined intellect, you have an excellent chance of being accepted to an American university. ...
Five Resume Tips for College Students You’re still in college, and the world of work can wait a few years. So who needs a resume? You do. Armed with a well-constructed resume, you will be prepared for potential opportunities throughout your time in college. These include seasonal, part...