12. The reality of camp swim programs.The level of swim training that your child’s camp counselors may have received can vary from camp to camp, which means your child may have a lot of fun and be safe in the water, but might not learn the proper form for the crawl stroke. And th...
Summer camp has many benefits for kids and youth. Personal growth, increased learning, development, and making memories that last a lifetime. As camp counselors, directors, andadministratorsbegin to welcome kids back this summer; safety is always on the radar. Those working at a camp understand ...
Summer camp schedules keep the kids pretty busy, but there’s more downtime than you might think. For a fun and memorable camp experience, have your child bring some printables to complete during their free time. We love theseprintable Mad Libsfrom Woo Jr. You could also grab thissummer ca...
Like any job candidate, potential camp counselors might be reluctant to interview because they don’t like being rejected. Communicating with the recruit that they are qualified can diminish anxiety because they know they’ve overcome this vital step. Forget about dog walking, driving a golf caddy...
5. Get gear fit for field day Your camp counselors made it look easy, but field day does require a fair amount of prep work. Stock up on colorfulsweatbandsorbandanasthat will associate members of a team. If hosting a color war, ask everyone to wear white for a more effective, rainbow...
camp. During such times, a doctor or a counselor can make the kid feel comfortable. Counselors can also play a major role in studying the behavioral patterns of the kids, thus helping the organizers in bringing out the best in a child and improving the quality of the summer camp organized...
“I’ve had kids age out of the (camp) and now, they’re volunteering as camp counselors,” Gore said. “I also have kids that I guided during the camp and they come back with their families to fish with me.”Practice makes perfect; but patience produces appreciation.Nothing better ...
4. Be clear on the camp’s mission and program style to make sure it’s a good fit. Talk with an ESF camp specialist and ask questions about the programs and the counselors. How intense/relaxed are the competitive aspects? What does the ESF staff do for kids who may be having a hard...
Watch Out for Bullying Bullying is an unfortunate reality everywhere—including camp, but it can become secretive and pervasive when it happens on an online platform. Before virtual camp begins, make sure you have established a strict cyberbullying policy. Train camp counselors to be aware of the...
Camp counselors. You know the type: loud, energetic, and overly friendly. They fit the bill for being the administrators and the instigators of the general insanity that is your typical summer camp experience. They work long hours with few breaks and minimal compensation, take over the child ...