EXPLORE NEXT STEPS Browse more ADHD articles Get help for ADHD Q: I was wondering if you all had any tips for studying with ADHD? A: This is a common and excellent question and I’m happy to share a few tips that many of my clients with ADHD have found to be helpful over the ...
For adults and students with ADHD Therapy can also help you better learn how your brain works and offer helpful coping strategies for reading with ADHD, especially when it becomes frustrating. “Seeking the support of a [psychologist] to evaluate specific concerns can help outline a comprehensive ...
Reading stories and some deep, slow breathing can help children to relax at bedtime. Make sure your instructions are understood Children with ADHD do not often ‘hear’ what their parents say. They are too distracted. Therefore, before you instruct your child to do anything, get his attention...
There are many diverse needs and preferences for children diagnosed with ADHD. The best thing we can do is to try a variety of tools (ex. breathing, movement, mindfulness) to help children with diverse needs feel balanced, successful, and expressive. To move away from an overscheduled life, ...
Our latest podcast is now online: Interview with David Steele Life coach, writer, poet, and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Compassionate Communication Network, David Steele discusses how to create greater compassion for ourselves and those around us. David’s… >> Continue Reading Navigating ...
These proven gems of wisdom, submitted by hundreds of women with AD/HD from all over the world, will help the reader painlessly get through the piles of laundry on her floor and stacks of paper on her desk. Written to accommodate readers with AD/HD who often have difficulty reading a ...
ADHD reading difficulties are not rare in those living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Help your brain focus with these ADHD reading tips.
How to Recognize Comprehension Weakness | Tips for Parents 26 Sep, 2024 Students with decoding issues, including dyslexia, can be easy to spot. They often miscall words (e.g., breakfast as “basket”); their oral reading is slow and “choppy;” and, spelling is tough to master. It is...
You, like many good parents, acknowledge that there are always ways we can be better, more effective parents. The fact that you are reading this shows your desire to improve your parenting skills and that desire to be better is a quality all parents should possess, regardless of ADHD ...
Thank you for reading! This article has covered most of the pros and cons of the Pomodoro technique. If you have something to add or would like to share your experience implementing the method, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Good luck with your planning and checking all ...