Benefits range from attracting beneficial insects, saving space in the garden, and providing nutrients for other plants. Companion planting peppers is something that most gardeners look into at one point on their gardening journey. If you’re growing a spicy jalapeno chilli or sweet bell pepper, ...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Organic Life These Blue Light Glasses May Help With Eye Strain How to Grow and Care for Aloe Vera Plants Autumn Flowers to Plant for a Vibrant Garden 24 Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Every Room
The most common types of pests for pepper plants are cutworms, flea beetles, aphids and whiteflies. You can easily be rid of most of these pests by mixing a mild solution of dish soap and water and spraying the leaves of your plants. Peppers are also prone to a disease called blossom e...
dreaming of summer and our vegetable garden. We make a plan for where things are going to grow, considering the space each one will need to grow, how much light they need, and what plants can be planted well together.
For this phase, get some pepper vinegar(preferably homemade and older), and when the rash starts itching and bubbling, get a paper towel and put the vinegar sauce on the rash — rub the vinegar sauce on the rash till it stops itching, throw the towel in the trash. This helps to ...
Vegetables are grouped into different families based on their botanical relationships. This means that, for instance, veggies liketomatoes, peppers andeggplantsbelong to the Solanaceaefamily. Alternatively, other vegetables such as lettuce, spinach andSwiss chardbelong to the Asteraceaefamily whilebroccoli...
Over the course of several days, you will expose the plants to outdoor conditions; this is called “hardening off” – which means preparing plants for their life outdoors. Tomato seedlings that have 5 to 7 true leaves are ready for planting out in the garden—but be sure the garden soil...
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac (Mangoes, Cashews, Pepper Trees, and Pistachio nuts) The Family of plants calledAnacardiaceae, (the Cashew Family) is notorious for triggering allergy, skin rash, itching, and all manner of unpleasant symptoms. Smoke from burning the dried wood of these pla...
Seeds from native plants such as milkweed, baptisia and amsonia will be collected to make more plants in spring. Cuttings of rosemary, coleus, geraniums, boxwood and hellebores were started in summer – they will be nurtured through the winter and be ready for planting next growing season in...
Take your favorite plants out of the garden in the fall, planting them in a pots and move indoors under a fluorescent lights for 10-12 hours per day. The transplanting sets them back due to root disturbance (transplant shock). It is a good time to trim them back a little also so ...