Photographing birds in direct sunlight helps for two reasons: it gets you a faster shutter speed and it creates even lighting on the bird. The faster shutter will help you freeze the action of the bird (since they don’t sit still for long), and the even lighting will help you avoid ge...
In tidal areas, birds will often return to the same place to roost when the tide comes in. Knowing this and getting there first can yield great results. Know your subject’s personal space. Some birds will allow a closer approach than others. Knowing this in advance and looking for the s...
Here are 10 basic but essential tips on photographing garden birds you can use to capture awesome wildlife images.13 Jan 2025 12:10AM by Nikita Morris | Animals / Wildlife Like2 Add Comment ADVERTISEMENTTip 1: Reach For A Long Lens You'll need a telephoto zoom (300-400mm) for ...
Birds are obviously fast-moving subjects. Likewise, when photographing them, you’re going to need a fast shutter speed. I prefer shooting manual for everything, and that includes photographing birds. I set the camera to 1/2000th of a second, which I found it said in the bird photography ...
9 Tips For Photographing Perched Birds by Photo Naturalist Bird photography can be frustrating at times, and it may seem like you always need a longer lens, but with a little patience and a few little tricks, you’ll be coming home with good bird photos in no time. So, here are a few...
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you’ll find all the wildlife photography tips and tutorials we’ve published on Photography Life to date, including detailed articles on the technical and creative side of photographing animals in nature. From the small world of macro photography to crucial tips for photographing birds in flight,...
When photographing birds,using shutter priority modeand a fast shutter speed will ensure you are ready for any action that might happen, even if the bird is standing still at the moment. You never know when it will take flight and you want to be ready when that happens. ...
Most of the time, aperture priority works best for photographing birds, especially in concert with auto ISO. I often get asked, “What is the best aperture setting for bird photography?” The answer is, “It depends!” To help isolate the bird from its background, use a wide aperture to...
Photographing Birds in Flight As I mentioned above, shooting birds in flight depends on the speed of flight, available light. Distance between you and the bird also matters for the choice of shutter speed. I would suggest you to set a shutter speed of 1/1000s. An aperture of f8 helps yo...