Too Long; Didn't Read The pandemic of 2020 has tested most sectors of the economy, and like the two most recent downturns in 2008 and 2001, this has been a very trying time for entrepreneurs running startups. Many entrepreneurs are reliant on outside funding, whether angel investors, ...
Social media can suck up huge amount of time without you realising, so be vigilant. Close all social media tabs until lunch, turn off alerts while you’re at work and try and create certain times of day when you’ll check it and a time limit for how long you’ll spend on it! Sched...
Sales Training - Ways to Pump Up and Engage Your Team 10 mins 10 strategies to get you the most motivated team for your business! START LESSON 6 Tips for Successfully Managing A Remote Team 15 mins Remote working is more frequent than ever. Learn valuable tips on how to manage people unde...
Whichever option works best in your situation, work with them to perfect it. The better the updates they get, the less you'll both be tempted to talk about status updates in your 1 on 1 meetings. This frees up time for all the great topics that make for effective 1 to 1 meetings. I...
Here again, asking the right questions is key (likethese questions specifically for managing up). They can help you learn essential things about your manager, and avoid moments where you say, "I wish I knew that before..." Here are a few of our favorite questions to ask your manager: ...
While there are some out there who are controlling because they are into power or feel entitled and expect the world to go their way, for most controlling people it’s all about anxiety. Control is a bad solution—but it's not the problem. Often such people grew up in chaotic environment...
When preparing for resistance, spend time before the project launches to look at likely sources of resistance. All too often, a project team will reflect back on resistance and say, "We knew that group was going to resist the change," but nothing was done to address it upfront in the pr...
Some call that process managing up, but what is managing up, really? It’s different things to different people. Basically, it’s about learning and leaning into your boss’ management style, adapting to them as a leader in order to make life better for them, for yourself, your ...
You may experience feelings of insecurity or self-doubt when you're in a room with more experienced workers. Or you may make assumptions about older or highly skilled team members. But the fact is that you were chosen for the job and can bring everyone together. If you feel intimidated or...
“uncool” thing to do, but press the issue, offer the chance to get involved in things like chairing a meeting or taking its minutes or even ordering stock for the floor. The first few who come forward generally end up being team leaders and managers in future due to their willingness ...