Making Tough Decisions You should always make tough decisions based on financial modeling. Make sure you understand the difference between furlough, salary reduction, and redundancy as possible options. If you need to reduce your workforce, do it swiftly, honestly, and compassionately. Morale is an...
They don't consult their team before making decisions, which might mean moving faster but doesn't always lead to the best results. This usually isn't the most crowd-pleasing management style, but that doesn't mean it's a bad fit for every scenario. In either case, it definitely risks ...
Decision making is a normal part of business. And we all aspire to make relevant and fair decisions. Butstereotypescan thwart how we analyze situations and though we might not realize, influence our choices. The good news is that we can do something about it! Here are some tips to protect...
Each of us has a little voice inside us that can help us when making difficult decisions. Sometimes it’s easy to recognize this voice—you can feel it deep in your gut. I believe our God-given instincts tap into our deeper knowledge. They help us uncover what we already know. Our ins...
It’s important that you make time for yourself and don’t get too caught up in work. 6. Understand the Risks and Rewards Every decision you make involves some risk. But understanding the risks and rewards of making certain decisions can help you maximize your chances of success. For ...
For example, if success is about board members and/orC-level executiveslearning about a new technology under consideration, the job is to educate them. If success for the board is making a decision based on return on investment, run the ROI and make a recommendation. ...
There are many ways to spot if someone is not a good fit for a manager. They won’t have previous experience in the industry or previous experience in management roles. They are a poor communicator, struggle with making tough decisions, are not empathetic, and don’t prioritize their team....
Move fast. The greatest gap in life is between “knowing” and “doing”. Speed up decision making and set aggressive deadlines. It is often more important that you decide than what you decide. Stick to the deadlines and make your people do as well; it will lead to discipline in your ...
"Regardless of format changes, the LSAT remains a test that requires very quick decisions, making familiarity with the questions essential," wrote Mark Miller, a professor and pre-law advisor at Clark University in Massachusetts, where he serves as director of the school's law and society ...
It is responsible for making decisions, thus our ability to do so can be compromised under the influence. The mental state of feeling at ease after 1-2 drinks is the result of an uptake in the feel-good hormone serotonin. However, alcohol toxins block the brain’s nerve synapsis to the ...