Following the same structure when interviewing multiple candidates for the same role is your secret weapon against bias. Astructured interview processcreates a level playing field for all candidates, prevents discrimination, aligns withequal employment opportunitylaws, and fosters equitable treatment for all...
Series 8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Career This Year Consider this list a jetpack for your career—and salary. By Career ContessaJan 4, 2018 Series 5 Non-Obvious Things You Can Do to Make Your Resume Stand Out Hello, dream job. ...
But even if it’s your first time interviewing someone, you can still have a meaningful conversation. Below, five interview tips from Isay to help you maximize the experience. Ask the big life questions. Facts are much less interesting than questions regarding love, life challenges, influences ...
you can say, "Hi, my name is [Your Name]." Then, share a little bit about yourself, such as where you're from or what you're studying. After that, talk about any relevant experiences or skills you have that relate to the job you're interviewing for. Finally, wrap up ...
Until someone has worked for you, you can never be sure how he or she will turn out. But you can stack the odds in your favour, especially when you run a small business without the budget or head count for in-house specialists. Which explains why the bizarre rite of interviewing, ...
First impressions count! The initial few moments meeting someone who could decide the course of your career are important and can really set the tone for the rest of the interview. Smile and greet the person interviewing you with something like “Thank you for inviting me to meet you today....
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I was interviewing a guy for a job at a financial media firm, and he stated that working there would not be as much “fun” as his previous job at a video game store. That interview went no further. Reply Dan says: February 19, 2015 at 10:28 pm As an experienced math teacher,...
Nevereverpretendtobesomeoneyou'renot-asurerecipefordisaster.•Notagoodideatolie!Evenifthey don'tknowyou'velied,youwillbegivingoutsignalsthatareagive-awaygivethatsomethingiswrong.MorePreparationTips •Nomatterhownervousyouare,youdoneedto lookatthepeopleinterviewingyou.Showthatyouknowhowtocommunicateand...
Before your onsite interview, reach out to your company contact and ask for any available information on the people you’re going to be interviewing with. Make sure you get their names and job titles and learn about their professional accomplishments by doing some casual stalking of the company...