Pill pocketsare small, soft treats with a hollowed out center. You can place a pill inside, squeeze the edges shut around it, and give it to your kitty to eat. If your cat likes soft treats, this method may work well for you. Your veterinarian can tell you whether the medication comes...
Cats are finicky by nature and this can apply to feeding time as well. It’s important to keep your cat eating and excited for mealtime to ensure they’re getting the nutrition they need. We’re sharing 13 ways to help you make mealtime a better experience for your picky cat (and you)...
Help! My cat won’t eat their new food! Cats are fussy eaters, so transitioning them to a new food can prove tricky. Luckily, we have … Read more Jan 13, 2023 10 human foods that are dangerous for cats While it’s tempting to spoil your cat, various foods that are perfectly fine...
Often, this provides an extra flavor that may encourage your feline to eat better. However, be aware of the added fats and sodium that come with broth. Getting cat-intended broth is a must. You can often find broths made for cats at your local pet store and online. You can find ...
We’re here to make the job of getting cat treats a bit easier by breaking down the types of cat treats available and giving you tips on choosing the ones that are best for your cat. With this knowledge, you’ll be better able to find a treat your kitty loves. Keep reading to learn...
Why Do Some Cats Eat So Fast? There can be numerous behavioral reasons why cats eat too quickly but it’s important to first rule out medical causes. Diabetes andhyperthyroidism, for example, can cause a cat to feel ravenously hungry and eat too quickly. Some cats gulp food when they’re...
For context, a cat is considered to be overweight if they are 10–20% above their ideal body weight, while a cat is considered to be obese if they are greater than 20% above their ideal weight. Even if your cat is not overweight currently, it is easier to prevent than to treat obesi...
For cats, it’s also important to exercise a bit. Older cats naturally tend to sleep more, which reduces the amount of play time, and can lead to obesity. Or, if a young cat likes to snack a lot, the same symptoms occur—they become more lethargic and don’t exercise off the extra...
rely on meat as the basis of their diet. You should attempt to give them meat each day. If a cateats too much dried food,then its health could suffer. In some cases, cats can become obese if they eat too much dried food. Be sure to put a bit of meat out for your kitty each ...
How Often Should You Feed Your Cat? Most cats do best with multiple meals per day. Wild animals, after all, eat when food is available, not when the clock says it’s time for dinner. “Cats normally eat 10 or more times per day and we are asking them to eat on our schedule, whic...