Even before you get out of the house, be sure to check the news for any forecasts about foggy weather. If you happen to be driving already when you encounter foggy streets, make a call to your office to let them know that you might be coming in late. They’ll understand! 2. Drive ...
DrivinginFog •Avoidthejourneyifpossible,delayorpostponeyourtrip.Callthepersonyouaregoingtoseeandreschedule.Theymaynothavetotakethejourneyalso.•Alwaysuseyourlowbeamheadlights.Highbeamsreflectoffthefogmakingitevenharderforyoutosee.•Ifyouhavefoglights,usethem,theyaredesignedspecificallyforthiscondition.•...
Find all your tire tips here. Everything you need to know about tires, tire maintenance, how to buy tires, and driving tips can be found here. Learn more now!
Here are six efficient tips that will keep you safe in bad weather. 1. When it’s foggy Driving in fog can be a challenge. When doing so, the side windows of your car should be kept down. This will enable you to hear what’s happening outside better. Instead of your high beams...
Driving in high winds can be scary and dangerous. Michelin offers many tips on how to drive safely when it is windy out. Learn more here.
Stay Alert for Falling Branches: The weight of leaves and rain can make tree branches more likely to fall, especially during windy conditions. Stay vigilant and avoid parking under trees or driving too close to them during windy weather. ...
tips for driving safely in the rain英语阅读 Driving safely in the rain is crucial for avoiding accidents and ensuring the safety of yourself and others on the road. Here are some tips to help you navigate wet road conditions: 1. Slow down: Reduce your speed when driving in the rain to ...
Before hitting the road in Ireland, buckle up for a crash course in driving Irish-style ☘️. This guide covers driving requirements, licences, NCT, penalty points, traffic laws, insurance & ton of tips.
SEE RELATED:Driving in fog Other tips for driving in the rain A driver must remain alert mentally and physically to control a car in such threatening conditions. Here are some additional tips to consider when driving in the rain: Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times for maximu...
1. Distracted Driving Each time you’re behind the wheel, your full attention should be on the road ahead. When driving, things happen in an instance, which is why you need to be aware of the surroundings constantly. Moreover, people aren’t built for multitasking. For that reason, you ...