Having sex regularly is one way to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Autoimmune disorders. Are you being treated for your autoimmune disorder? If not, sometimes getting the autoimmune disease under control can improve fertility. Lupus can affect a woman’s chances of getting or staying ...
The fetus can experience magnified effects of any infections that the mother has while pregnant. Individuals should be tested forSexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)with every new partner and every three months if they are sexually active. These urine and blood tests can be performed at clinics,...
“If you want to have a baby, you must relax and not worry so much about whether you will get pregnant or not. Getting stressed will make it harder for you toconceive.” “Now that you are pregnant, you shouldn’t watch those Korean dramas anymore. You always cry so much when you ...
3. Don't worry about the best positions for getting pregnant. Myths abound about the best positions for getting pregnant, but they are just that: myths. There is really no scientific evidence saying that the missionary position is better than the woman being on top when it comes to maximizin...
There are no absolutes, but as a general guideline, your sex drive will follow how you feel during each trimester. During the first 12 weeks, you may be tired, nauseous, and still adjusting to the idea of being pregnant. You might feel more introverted and self-protective, which can dim...
range of emotions during pregnancy. While bringing a life into the world should be one of the most joyous and precious moments in your life, many moms-to-be find being pregnant incredibly tough. If you’re struggling and in need of some help, here are five tips for relieving pregnancy ...
As aparent of eight kids, and someone who has worked closely with pregnant people for a long time atThe Leaky Boob, I’m no stranger to the sleep struggle when pregnant. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years and how it may help you slip into the glorious sleep you need. ...
Forget the “you can’t get pregnant while breastfeeding notion.” You’re advised to go for the non-hormonal options because they will not have an impact on milk production. Condoms, IUDs, and diaphragm are perfect options. Prior to delivery talk with your doctor on the subject to explore...
Before trying for a baby, it's a good idea to prepare. Once you're ready to begin, these tips may boost your chances of getting pregnant fast. Get yourself ready Schedule apreconception checkupwith anob-gyn or midwife. Kick unhealthy habits like drinking, smoking cigarettes or marijuana, ...
While being pregnant is one of the most special and exciting times of your life, it can also be one of the most challenging. Whether you have been pregnant before or this is your first time, each pregnancy is unique and there are different challenges you will be faced with. However, one...