Tips for allergy sufferersPresents tips for avoiding allergy attacks from the American Association for Respiratory Care.Joe Weiders Muscle & Fitness
One of the number one cleaning tips for allergy sufferers is to dustusing a microfiber cloth. Other dusters are like brooms, in that they’ll just spread allergens around the house, which can trigger an allergy or asthma attack. However, microfiber is specially designed to grab tiny particle...
Avoiding your allergy triggers is the best way to prevent reactions, but it isn’t always possible. Here are some tips for allergy sufferers by allergen on how to best limit exposure and prevent symptoms from keeping you down. Cat, Dog, and Pet Allergies If you’re a pet allergy suffer...
Spring brings warmer temperatures, blooming flowers and, for millions of Americans, the arrival of allergy season. It also coincides this year with the arrival of COVID-19, which could make allergy sufferers hyperaware of every sneeze and sniffle. But there are key differences in symptoms. Sea...
Allergy sufferers are dealing with symptoms even sooner than usual amid an early onslaught of tree pollen. Here's some advice for coping with seasonal allergies.
Here is our list of the best hypoallergeniccat breedsthat are great for cat lovers with allergies: Balinese TheBalineseare very similar looking to the Siamese, but with longer hair. While they might not appear to be a good cat for allergy sufferers, they produce far less of the protein, ...
We sleep on our mattresses every night, and because of that we need to keep them cleaned and well cared for. This is especially necessary for allergy sufferers, so you remove dust and debris from the mattress that accumulates with time. ...
For allergy sufferers, one way to get rid of nasal congestion at night is to keep your room dust free. Apart from keeping your bedding clean, you can also sleep in a room with hard floors instead of one with rugs. To get rid of nasal congestion due to allergies, keep your sleeping ...
Flowers make a perfect gift on Valentine’s Day for someone you care about, but none of us want to give a gift that might cause allergies. Below are a few tips for an allergy-free Valentine’s Day flower bouquet. Roses: if using roses, choose roses that are tight buds, flowers with ...
Vitamin D and Omega 3 may help allergy sufferers.CBS News There's growing evidence that vitamins and minerals can have an impact on allergies. Ogden says vitamin D and Omega 3, found in fish oil, may help. "A number of studies have shown that when they're incorporated into the diet, ...