当终点数据存在非随机确实的时候,临床连续型数据常规的分析方法很多就不适用,比如混合线性模型和方差分析模型等,此时就需要使用tipping point analysis来分辨是否常规方法统计结果对缺失数据敏感,如果不敏感的话,说明即使存在非随机缺失数据,对常规分析方法结果影响较小,常规分析方法结果是比较稳健的。 连续终点的临界值分析...
The tipping point analysis can be easily implemented using SAS procedurePROC MIand the brief instructions can be found inSensitivity Analysis with the Tipping-Point Approachwhere it uses theMONOTONEstatement to impute the missing data and theMNARstatement to adjust the imputed data by a range of spe...
interval conclusions; the tipping point analyses regarding effect measures’ magnitudes are discussed only for the third meta-analysis. all statistical code and data for implementing the proposed method and case studies are publicly available on the open science framework ( https://osf.io/8z9bp/ ...
R. Resistant, robust and non-parametric techniques for the analysis of climate data: Theory and examples, including applications to historical radiosonde station data. International Journal of Climatology 61 (1996). 63. Pohlert, T. trend: Non-Parametric Trend Tests and Change-Point Detection, ...