西雅圖教育委員會在上週投票通過,市內的公立學校將會在十月的第二個週一施行原住民族日,其他州和城市,像是南達科他州(South Dakota)和明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)也都這樣做。 「我覺得正義被實踐。」Renee Roma Nose如此表示,她是Tulalip族人,從鄰近的Darrington到西雅圖來投票。「我們並沒有要用任何方式來貶低其他...
The nasal tip is a pyramidal structure emanating perpendicularly from the plane of the face. The key anatomic structure is the unit formed by the paired lower lateral or alar cartilages. Their lateral crurae sit above the alar creases on either side of the nose, with the medial crurae resti...
FIG. 6 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of the tip of the cutting head of FIG. 5. Certain terminology will be used in the following description for convenience in reference only, and will not be limiting. For example, the words “upwardly”, “downwardly”, “rightwardly” and “left...
So I wrote about it during a time when I suffered nightmarish chronic insomnia that made me so exhausted I didn't give a hoot about using politically correct terminology to refer to the barbarians who did those things.A grand total of one person opined that I should refer to those thugs ...