Tiong Nam Logistics Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. The Company is engaged in the trading of diesel and petrol. It operates through four segments: Logistics & Warehousing Services, Investments, Property Development Projects, and Dormitory. It provides fully integrated lo...
Tiong Nam Logistics起初专注于马来西亚半岛的混装货物和微型物流配送,现已扩展到中国、新加坡、越南及其他东南亚国家。除了提供跟踪信息、马来西亚境内及跨境运输、C2C交付(不提供B2B交付)、海运运输和Delivery Outside of SEA服务外,Tiong Nam Logistics还提供货运和仓储服务。然而,该物流商没有iOS版本的AP...
Tiong Nam Logistics最初是一家小型货运企业,专注于马来西亚半岛的consolidated cargo(混装货物)和micro-distribution(微型物流配送)。 蓝海亿观网获悉,现在Tiong Nam Logistics已经将服务扩展到中国、新加坡、越南和其他东南亚国家,同时还增加了额外服务,如“最后一英里”送货和仓储服务。Tiong Nam Logistics提供的服务如下:...
Operational RiskLiquidity RiskFinancial RiskCredit RiskMarket RiskOperational risk management is an important aspect in an organisation and how organisation manage the risk efficiently. Hence, this study attempted to investigaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...